Saturday, June 26, 2010

Foreclosure Sadness

The word "foreclosure" is synonymous with "sadness" in my book.  Whether it happened before the 2008 Global Recession crisis - or is happening now - losing your house, is losing your HOME!  Psychologist Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs dictates a human being's basic physical requirements include the need for food, water, sleep and warmth ie shelter, your home.  Due to the crunch in 2008, the situation in America has been much publicised in all forms of media genre from the web to OPRAH.

The Real Estate Bloggers site scare us with the article (referring to USA) by Tom Royce on March 14 2010:
About 5 million to 7 million properties are potentially eligible for foreclosure but have not yet been repossessed and put up for sale! 

OPRAH aired a Special on foreclosure bus tours for the lucky minority investors - able to capitalise on the fortunes of others - but that's life isn't it?  It saw the soul stripping heartbreak of viewers taken into one abandoned home after another with beloved toys left on bedroom floors, family photos still on the walls or displayed in cabinets, expensive flat screen tvs and computers left behind, pantries and fridges still stocked, wardrobes complete with clothing and shoes remaining behind - WHY?  Families are fleeing the mortgage debt with ESSENTIALS ONLY - WHAT THEY CAN CARRY TO LIVE IN THE EVER INCREASING "TENT CITIES"!!! The employee removalists are family men too - with a difference, with a job and income - and have to harden themselves to throw EVERYTHING into the tipster bins.  Indeed we asked why can't charities assist with the collection for the needy!  TIME IS MONEY!  They don't have the time to wait or work in with charities.  It is BIG BUSINESS for the removalist companies and the schedule is excruciatingly tight - squeezing in as many houses as daylight allows in readiness for those bus tour investors!

Foreclosure Bus Tours is just one company on the band wagon assisting cashed up investors with tailored tours with a view to looking for an investment property, second home or primary residence.  They'll even throw in lunch and dinner for the price of $39.95 and a fleet of professionals assisting you with a speedy purchase.
One of many real estate financial books written highlighting the goldmine in tapping into foreclosures is the book Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki who touched on how to increase your real estate portfolio at a prudent price by attending the courts and researching what foreclosures were listed.
I'm a fortunate 50's+ full-time employed housewife, living in Australia, with the roof over my head paid for - "the Australian dream" it is touted.  What are your views?

Friday, June 25, 2010

Poor Rudd!

Are we still all in shock days later from this Australian coup? This is Australia! We're civilised, not radical or savage like our next door neighbours! How could this happen OVER NIGHT? Whilst possibly many of us slept. It was pure coincidence I was one of the first informed late that Wednesday night on the 23 June, because I was intent on watching that interesting fluffy American virtual reality show- "I Married A Stranger". Watching Rudd's media address late that night, certainly had more emotion than the show!

Now I'm not a Labor supporter and was one of the critics of some of his policies, some I didn't even begin to follow but there was The Apology to the Aboriginal people which I do applaud him for. Apologies - in my book, never go astray under any circumstance and are ALWAYS a positive step in any relationship.

Then on YouTube last night, having missed his 19 minute address to the nation, I felt I was up there with him feeling his anguish and struggle to even speak - I watched as intently his face as I did Therese, and as a wife, could feel the love going out to her husband in this most extreme of moments in his public life. At times I was willing him to carry on in the looong (what seemed to be but probably in reality were 30-40 seconds) pregnant pauses as he fought to control the wave of human despair as he relinquished his position as Prime Minister of Australia.

I was pleased when he made us all laugh about 'his blubbering' - and for that, at the very least , like him or not, follow Labor or not - you were made to like him at the very end.

WOW! Australia now has its own FIRST! The first female Prime Minister! Now that is exciting - I'll be following politics a little more intently now!

What Men Think About, But Too Afraid to Ask!

About women that is!

Last night I was at an office dinner standing in a small group of mixed gender colleagues making the usual chit chat, when the only male in the group out of the blue, quizzically started questioning we females! What on?


His first question - shot like a bullet out of a gun - stunning us all was:

'Who do we dress for - women, men or ourselves?'

We all started gushing our responses at once...after all - here was an unusual male - REALLY interested in what a woman had to say and better still he WANTED TO LISTEN TO US! GET TO GO INSIDE OUR BRAIN and see how it ticked! He was in awe of us - the female bunch circling him.

Our responses: The outright winner was - for OURSELVES, followed closely by - for other WOMEN, even though the majority had spouses- and in fact, none of us mentioned to please our partner.

I see my choice of clothing as a tongue-in-cheek therapeutic tool - I work in an office and strive (at my "cougar" age as well - mid 50's) to dress:

#1 Youthfully (without being - now I always get this back to front, or front to back - I put it down to being a transversal breech baby - "mutton dressed up as lamb")
#2 Stylishly (with an "edge" though - not the norm - like the knitted V neck sweater dress I've just bought for winter!)
#3 Softly Sexy (have to be very, very careful here - hence the "softly" - you could go just a tad too far and look - at my age - like a joke) - I see this all the time with women well over my age who have bright blue streaks through their locks - eesch don't they have a mirror at home!

For special occasions though, my husband is definitely foremost in my thoughts for THAT WOW FACTOR dress!

Women appreciate how other women look! We are far more liberal with our compliments to each other - 'wow! you've had your hair done, that looks great!' - 'that's a lovely colour jumper on you..' AND! You receive them spontaneously and without prompting. Of course there is the competitive element in all of this - at the same time our mouth is moving to verbalise the compliment, our eyes are summing up the whole appearance of the recipient - how much did it cost? I want that outfit on me! wonder where she got it? should I ask? she can get away with that short skirt, I couldn't!

Branching out from this one brave question, one of the females in the group proudly stated she had 85 pairs of well looked after shoes, each pair in cloth protective drawstring bags and boxed. Our Brave Male needed support not to topple over!

NEXT QUESTION from Brave Male!

'How do you go about wearing them all?'
Logical answer indeed to all us other females - she said: '...some are bought for very special occasions and special outfits so are worn on a few occasions only - others might be all the same colour but worn with different fabric outfits say, a velvet evening skirt would not have the same shoe for a plaid work skirt!' This certainly all made sense to us!

At this point - dinner was served and he made his escape, a little richer for enlightenment, but with a slightly slack jaw from all this knowledge he had ingested!

Any questions from other brave male souls, please feel free to shoot!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Frustration! Confusion! Newbie Internet Marketer!

Are you like me - forever searching for the ultimate dream job? And then found it (or so you thought!) with that special email which sucked you in and before you knew it you had paid out for a 'totally automated system' GUARANTEED to make your dreams come true!

[Work from home and make $47, 218.06 in one month!]

Better still:

[GUARANTEED in 15 minutes you'll have made your 1st sale!]

WHOOPEE!! In fact, work from the beach with just your laptop - your new "office"!

Well, I have now bought into about four! And after each purchase I vow to myself NO MORE! NO MORE! Then the next email arrives with a batch of about 30 others per day and I'm hooked into having a quick look. Of course, by now I KNOW HOW THE SYSTEM WORKS! "Opt-in" and leave your details, then to the "squeeze page", 10 minutes later of viewing/reading and being sucked in thinking GET TO THE PRICE, GET TO THE PRICE, I haven't all day! I've almost stopped breathing by the time "THE VOICE" tells me what I am getting is WORTH $2997... but NO you will not get it for that ...NOT EVEN $1997 (I've almost turned BLUE in anticipation - what? WHAT IS IT? my brain is yelling to myself) NOT EVEN $997 (YES! YES! WHAT IS IT? I'm HOOKED - I'LL BUY WHATEVER IT IS by now!) ... YES just $97! WHOOPEE - I'll buy it! how cheap it is anyway when I've got almost $3000 in value!

... but wait ("THE VOICE" continues!) just for a monthly sum of $29 you can have these add-ons..... blah blah....I'm gone again - why not! Don't want to miss out on anything now - I've gone this far!

Is this like you...or am I the only sucker around?

Last year I managed a meagre 40 hours of juggling the businesses I'd bought into (with my full-time job) but have "taken the bull by its horns" and taken 3 months long service leave off to ensure I AM A SUCCESS! After all, I HAVE PLANS!

  1. Show everyone I've made it! Passive income, money rolling in while I'm asleep! "Everyone" being colleagues at work who keep asking...' 'av you made anything yet?' (Doubting Thomas'!)
  2. Show those Doubting Thomas' how to get out of the 9-5 rut like I have!
  3. Show my children how to earn their own passive income
  4. LIVE THE DREAM with my husband (and my laptop) - tripping around the world!
  5. MORE IMPORTANTLY than all that! Have the power to donate substantial money to charities - even to those tragic one-off ones your local newspaper prints - 'lost all in a fire', 'child's electronic wheelchair stolen, parents' trying to raise funds to buy another', 'radio station calling for donations for hospital to buy new piece of life-saving equipment' - THAT IS WHY I WANT TO BE A SUCCESS at this business!
A female "Bill Gates"! My dream! I've learnt a huge amount of processes, created domain names, automate links, can "tweet" now as well, etc etc - and can boast all these things to the IT boys at work - but to date (3 weeks into my LSL) not one dollar showing up in my Clickbank account. I mean to say, I DO like a lot of 00000's just prefer to have another digit in front of them!

The positive out of this is: I'm sooo impressed with the companies Support Teams - my many problems have been handled amazingly quickly - some by the next day!

This is my first blog, as I am instructed to be proactive in creating blogs and videos for SEO and the ultimate - 1st PAGE GOOGLE!!! Bit scared of the "video stuff" but will listen to my YouTube tutorials, take notes, pluck my eyebrows, straighten my hair and my study and plunge into producing one this week (I'm being tough on myself you see - setting a deadline - what I do at work with my staff knowing nothing will get done otherwise!) - what on? I have no idea....YET!

Stay tuned.......